Category: Organizing

  • Organize Your Bill-Paying System

    Welcome to another organizing post! So glad you are hanging in there with me. This week we are organizing our bill-paying systems. Another fun one, right? lol If you are just checking in for the first time, we have been getting organized each week using Jennifer Ford Berry’s Organize Now book. It has been really…

  • Organizing Your Finances

    It’s Thursday! Thanks for checking in for another info-packed Organize Now post. Today we are organizing our finances. If you are joining us for the first time, we have been getting organized using Jennifer Ford Berry’s Organize Now book as our guide. You can check on past posts to catch up. Week 1 about Organizing…

  • Organize Your Personal Information

    Happy Thursday! I love posting my Organize Now blog and have been getting a lot of great feedback from you! I am so happy that many of you are joining along and getting organized right along with me. Jennifer Ford Berry has so many great tips in her book and I have really enjoyed this…

  • Organizing Your Cleaning Schedule

    Welcome to another Organize Now day! Today we are finishing the section of Organizing ourselves with a post about Organizing our cleaning schedules. Another HUGE one for me! If you are just getting on board, you can catch up with our previous posts about organizing our schedules, priorities and mind and life vision HERE. Cleaning…

  • Organize Your Schedule

    Welcome to week 3 of my Organize Now blog series! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am! This week we are organizing our schedules. This is a big one for me. I have so many things that I need to and want to do each day but keeping them all organized…