Happy Thursday! It’s the first one of the New Year! Time sure flies, doesn’t it? It has been one whole year since I started this series! We are winding down and will finish the book on Jan. 31st.
My wheels have been turning about another book or topic to start in place of this one. Any suggestions on what you would like to see?
If you are just joining us, we have been getting organized using Jennifer Ford Berry’s Organize Now book.
It has some great info and tips on organizing various parts of our life and home. You can see past posts here:
Week 1 about Organizing Your Mind and Life Vision HERE,
Week 2 about Organizing Your Priorities HERE,
Week 3 about Organizing Your Schedule HERE
Week 4 about Organizing Your Cleaning Schedule HERE.
Week 5 about Organizing Your Personal Information HERE.
Week 6 about Organizing Your Finances HERE.
Week 7 about Organizing Your Bill-paying System HERE.
Week 8 about Organizing Your Receipts and Taxes HERE.
Week 9 about Organizing Your Files HERE
Week 10 about Organizing your Magazines and Newspapers HERE.
Week 11 about Organizing Your Email HERE
Week 12 about Organizing Your Mail HERE
Week 13 about Organizing Your Child’s Toys HERE.
Week 14 about Organizing Your Crafts HERE.
Week 15 about Organizing Your Photographs HERE.
Week 16 about Organizing Your Purse or Wallet HERE.
Week 17 about Organizing Your Vehicle HERE.
Week 18 about Organizing Your Pet HERE.
Week 19 about Organizing Your Books, CDs and DVDs HERE.
Week 20 about Organizing Your Entryway or Mudroom HERE.
Week 21 about Organizing Your Family Room or Living Room HERE.
Week 22 about Organizing Your Kitchen Countertops HERE.
Week 23 about Organizing the Kitchen Cabinets HERE.
Week 24 about Organizing the Pantry HERE.
Week 25 about Organizing the Refrigerator HERE.
Week 26 about Organizing the recipes HERE.
Week 27 about Organizing the dining room HERE.
Week 28 about Organizing the Laundry Room HERE.
Week 29 about Organizing the Bathroom HERE
Week 30 about Organizing the Medicine Cabinet HERE.
Week 31 about Organizing Your Child’s Clothes and Closet HERE.
Week 32 about Organizing Your Child’s Memorabilia HERE.
Week 33 about Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom HERE.
Week 34 about Organizing Your Bedroom Closet HERE
Week 35 about Organizing Your Memorabilia HERE
Week 36 about Organizing Your Master Bedroom HERE
Week 37 about Organizing Your Jewelry, Accessories and Purses HERE.
Week 38 about Organizing your Home Office HERE
Week 39 about Organizing the Linen Closet HERE.
Week 40 about Organizing the Basement HERE.
Week 41 about Organizing the Attic HERE.
Week 42 about Organizing the Garage HERE.
Week 43 about Organizing the Yard and Garden HERE.
Week 44 about Organizing Your Holiday HERE.
Week 45 about Organizing Your Party HERE
Week 46 about Organizing Your Trip HERE.
Week 47 about Organizing Your Move HERE.
Week 48 about Organizing Your Back To School Time HERE
Week 51 about Organizing Your Family’s Safety Plan HERE
This week we are talking about organizing after a loss. Not the most cheery topic but one we will all have to deal with at some point in our lives and for many of us, already have. I cannot help but think about all of the families who are grieving in Connecticut right now as I write this post. Continued prayers sent to everyone directly effected by what happened there.
Jennifer suggests to wait until you are really ready to go through the organizing process after you lose a loved one. Everyone’s time frame is different and there is no right or wrong. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many people want to help but don’t know if you want or need that. Allow yourself to let your loved one’s things go when you are ready. It is ok to not hold on to everything they had.
This Week’s Goals:
1. Go through your loved ones things and sort into piles: Keep, pass onto a family member or friend, sell, donate, throw away, not sure.
Throw out the things that you are not keeping and cannot sell or giveaway. Ask other family members before you sell or donate items in case they want them.
Hold an estate sale or garage sale. you can also sell things online.
2. Put your “not sure” pile away into clear bins and label them to go through later. Sometimes it just takes more time to decide on certain items. Set a deadline to go through these things.
1. Talk to your kids about what happened. Answer their questions in the best way you can to help them to understand and grieve too.
2. Jennifer says, “Remember that ultimately memories are in our minds, not in things.”
Next week we will start on the final section of the book: Organizing Your Routines.
Thanks for reading and please visit me on Facebook soon! I still have room in my Shaklee 180 weight loss challenge to start the new year on a healthy note! 🙂
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