Happy Thursday! Are you ready to get organized?
If you are just joining us, we have been getting organized using Jennifer Ford Berry’s Organize Now book.
It has some great info and tips on organizing various parts of our life and home. You can see past posts here:
Week 1 about Organizing Your Mind and Life Vision HERE,
Week 2 about Organizing Your Priorities HERE,
Week 3 about Organizing Your Schedule HERE
Week 4 about Organizing Your Cleaning Schedule HERE.
Week 5 about Organizing Your Personal Information HERE.
Week 6 about Organizing Your Finances HERE.
Week 7 about Organizing Your Bill-paying System HERE.
Week 8 about Organizing Your Receipts and Taxes HERE.
Week 9 about Organizing Your Files HERE
Week 10 about Organizing your Magazines and Newspapers HERE.
Week 11 about Organizing Your Email HERE
Week 12 about Organizing Your Mail HERE
Week 13 about Organizing Your Child’s Toys HERE.
Week 14 about Organizing Your Crafts HERE.
Week 15 about Organizing Your Photographs HERE.
Week 16 about Organizing Your Purse or Wallet HERE.
Week 17 about Organizing Your Vehicle HERE.
Week 18 about Organizing Your Pet HERE.
Week 19 about Organizing Your Books, CDs and DVDs HERE.
Week 20 about Organizing Your Entryway or Mudroom HERE.
Week 21 about Organizing Your Family Room or Living Room HERE.
Week 22 about Organizing Your Kitchen Countertops HERE.
Week 23 about Organizing the Kitchen Cabinets HERE.
Week 24 about Organizing the Pantry HERE.
Week 25 about Organizing the Refrigerator HERE.
Week 26 about Organizing the recipes HERE.
Week 27 about Organizing the dining room HERE.
Week 28 about Organizing the Laundry Room HERE.
Week 29 about Organizing the Bathroom HERE
Week 30 about Organizing the Medicine Cabinet HERE.
Week 31 about Organizing Your Child’s Clothes and Closet HERE.
Week 32 about Organizing Your Child’s Memorabilia HERE.
Week 33 about Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom HERE.
Week 34 about Organizing Your Bedroom Closet HERE
Week 35 about Organizing Your Memorabilia HERE
Week 36 about Organizing Your Master Bedroom HERE
Week 37 about Organizing Your Jewelry, Accessories and Purses HERE.
Week 38 about Organizing your Home Office HERE
Week 39 about Organizing the Linen Closet HERE.
Week 40 about Organizing the Basement HERE.
Week 41 about Organizing the Attic HERE.
Week 42 about Organizing the Garage HERE.
Week 43 about Organizing the Yard and Garden HERE.
This week we are starting a new section of the book – Your Special Events. We are starting with Organizing Your Holiday. Good timing as the holidays are upon us! Anyone else have a hard time believing it’s November already?!
The holidays are a wonderful time of the year, but also can be quite stressful. Be sure to take care of yourself and set your priorities so you don’t spread yourself too thin and wear yourself down. Many people get sick during this time of year because of the stress. Keep in mind what the holidays are really about.
This Week’s Goals:
1. Get out your calendar and mark the holiday events that are important to you and your family. Don’t be afraid to say no.
2. If you decorate, pick a day or days to do this both for the interior decorations as well as exterior. Put it on the calendar. Have your holiday decorations in one place and label the container. My husband and I love using clear plastic bins that we store in the garage and keep a different bin or bins for each holiday.
3. Mark all of your friends and relatives birthdays and anniversaries in your calendar. January is a good time to do this when you get your new calendar. You can also use online reminders through sites like www.birthdayalarm.com
4. Gift ideas: gift cards are usually welcome by most people and makes it easier on you. If you are crafty, homemade gifts are nice too and saves on the budget. If you have young kids, photo albums, photo calendars, etc are always great gift ideas for the grandparents.
If you are not a procrastinator like I happen to be, you can shop all year round for deals and nice gifts for people. This spreads out the cost and the hassle of going to the mall in December. 🙂 If you do shop year round, put the gifts in one location so you don’t forget where they are and what you have.
Reduce Clutter:
1. If you are trying to downsize the amount of ‘stuff’ you have, ask your family to purchase things like gift cards or savings bonds or make a donation to a favorite charity. Restaurant gift cards are always nice as are certificates toward trips, tickets, lessons, etc.
2. Keep it simple! I love this tip from Jennifer. Details won’t be remembered. What will be remembered are the feelings and family memories/traditions that you create with your loved ones. Take some time to just relax and enjoy and be thankful! 🙂
What holiday tips do you have to share? Would love to hear from you!
Please visit me on Facebook soon! Hint: there will be a great Shaklee promo starting tomorrow. Details coming soon:)
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!!
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