It’s Thursday and time to organize!
If you are just joining us, we have been getting organized using Jennifer Ford Berry’s Organize Now book.
It has some great info and tips on organizing various parts of our life and home. You can see past posts here:
Week 1 about Organizing Your Mind and Life Vision HERE,
Week 2 about Organizing Your Priorities HERE,
Week 3 about Organizing Your Schedule HERE
Week 4 about Organizing Your Cleaning Schedule HERE.
Week 5 about Organizing Your Personal Information HERE.
Week 6 about Organizing Your Finances HERE.
Week 7 about Organizing Your Bill-paying System HERE.
Week 8 about Organizing Your Receipts and Taxes HERE.
Week 9 about Organizing Your Files HERE
Week 10 about Organizing your Magazines and Newspapers HERE.
Week 11 about Organizing Your Email HERE
Week 12 about Organizing Your Mail HERE
Week 13 about Organizing Your Child’s Toys HERE.
Week 14 about Organizing Your Crafts HERE.
Week 15 about Organizing Your Photographs HERE.
Week 16 about Organizing Your Purse or Wallet HERE.
Week 17 about Organizing Your Vehicle HERE.
Week 18 about Organizing Your Pet HERE.
Week 19 about Organizing Your Books, CDs and DVDs HERE.
Week 20 about Organizing Your Entryway or Mudroom HERE.
Week 21 about Organizing Your Family Room or Living Room HERE.
Week 22 about Organizing Your Kitchen Countertops HERE.
Week 23 about Organizing the Kitchen Cabinets HERE.
Week 24 about Organizing the Pantry HERE.
Week 25 about Organizing the Refrigerator HERE.
Week 26 about Organizing the recipes HERE.
Week 27 about Organizing the dining room HERE.
Week 28 about Organizing the Laundry Room HERE.
Week 29 about Organizing the Bathroom HERE
Week 30 about Organizing the Medicine Cabinet HERE.
Week 31 about Organizing Your Child’s Clothes and Closet HERE.
Week 32 about Organizing Your Child’s Memorabilia HERE.
Week 33 about Organizing Your Child’s Bedroom HERE.
Week 34 about Organizing Your Bedroom Closet HERE
Week 35 about Organizing Your Memorabilia HERE
Week 36 about Organizing Your Master Bedroom HERE
Week 37 about Organizing Your Jewelry, Accessories and Purses HERE.
Week 38 about Organizing your Home Office HERE
Week 39 about Organizing the Linen Closet HERE.
Week 40 about Organizing the Basement HERE.
This week it’s the attic. Since we don’t really have a functional attic that we use in my house, it’s another easy week for me. But maybe not for you. I know my parents have a pretty big attic and lots of stuff gets put there over the years. Is that you too?
This Week’s Goals:
1. Put the items in your attic into four piles.
Toss. Sell/Donate. Someone else’s item. Keep.
2. Throw out things that need to go. Make a plan to return items that belong to someone else. (this could be an older child who has moved out of the house). Donate or sell items that you wish to do this with.
3. Categorize your Keep pile. Be sure that you really need to keep everything in this pile. If not, give it to someone who will appreciate and use it.
Kid/Baby items and toys
Holiday Stuff
Memorabilia or heirlooms
Make a zone in your attic for each category to keep it organized.
4. Be sure to take items out of the attic that can be damaged by heat.
1. Secure poles to hang seasonal clothing in the roof slope between the rafters. Be sure to put the clothing in zippered garment bags.
Do you have an attic? What do you store there?
Thanks for reading. Be sure to visit me on Facebook soon! 🙂
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