Organizing Your Bathroom

It’s Thursday and time for more organizing!

If you are just joining us, we have been getting organized using Jennifer Ford Berry’s Organize Now book.


It has some great info and tips on organizing various parts of our life and home. You can see past posts here:

Week 1 about Organizing Your Mind and Life Vision HERE,
Week 2 about Organizing Your Priorities HERE,
Week 3 about Organizing Your Schedule HERE
Week 4 about Organizing Your Cleaning Schedule HERE.
Week 5 about Organizing Your Personal Information HERE. 
Week 6 about Organizing Your Finances HERE. 
      Week 7 about Organizing Your Bill-paying System HERE.
        Week 8 about Organizing Your Receipts and Taxes HERE
Week 9 about Organizing Your Files HERE

                             Week 10 about Organizing your Magazines and Newspapers HERE.
                                               Week 11 about Organizing Your Email HERE
                                                Week 12 about Organizing Your Mail HERE
                                         Week 13 about Organizing Your Child’s Toys HERE.

Week 14 about Organizing Your Crafts HERE.
Week 15 about Organizing Your Photographs HERE.
Week 16 about Organizing Your Purse or Wallet HERE. 
 Week 17 about Organizing Your Vehicle HERE.

                                                  Week 18 about Organizing Your Pet HERE.

Week 19 about Organizing Your Books, CDs and DVDs HERE.
Week 20 about Organizing Your Entryway or Mudroom HERE.

                           Week 21 about Organizing Your Family Room or Living Room HERE.

Week 22 about Organizing Your Kitchen Countertops HERE.
Week 23 about Organizing the Kitchen Cabinets HERE.
Week 24 about Organizing the Pantry HERE. 
Week 25 about Organizing the Refrigerator HERE.
Week 26 about Organizing the recipes HERE.
Week 27 about Organizing the dining room HERE.
Week 28 about Organizing the Laundry Room HERE.

Today we are organizing the bathroom. Since this is probably the first thing you see in the morning, it’s a good idea to have it organized so you start your day out right.

We updated our downstairs half bathroom and I blogged about it HERE. It was fun to do and not too difficult. We are in the process of updating our master bathroom. I will definitely post when we do.

This Week’s Goals:

1. Clear the counter top. Clean it well and put only the necessary items back in their place. (ie – toothbrushes, soap, etc)

I have mentioned before that I use Basic H2 Organic Concentrate and the Germ Off wipes to clean my bathroom counter tops.  I love using the window spray on my mirrors. I only use 1-2 drops of the cleaner to 16 oz of water and it works so well!!! Better then anything I have ever used before and it’s non-toxic so it’s safe around my kiddos. The wipes are so fantastic for quick cleanings and wipe downs.

2. Jennifer suggests putting 95% of your bathroom items away in drawers and cabinets and grouping things together. (makeup and hair care things together, soaps and shampoos together, etc) Don’t let things clutter up on the counter top. I know I can be guilty of this. How about you?

3. Throw things out from under the sink that you don’t use or are expired. Don’t keep sunscreen more then 2 years. Half used bottles of toothpaste, shampoo, etc should either be consolidated or tossed. Appliances that are broken should be thrown out. Wash out the cabinets as you clear them out.

4. Short on space? Consider organizers like clear plastic storage bins, shower caddies,  hooks on the backs of doors, hanging extra towel racks, stackable plastic drawers under the sink, etc.


1. If you are lacking shelf space, consider rolling up your towels and washcloths and putting them in a decorative basket near the shower.

For more tips, please check out the Organize Now book.


Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoyed the post. Feel free to leave your own tips below.

Have a great day!!






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